NASA Going for human Settlements in the moon- 

* as we seen in the science friction movies human going to other planets and settle there, and we all thought that we also go there and settle make home and enjoy a beautiful journey of our life also become a interplanatery civilization. 

* Now this dream is not a dream at that technical era it made be possible. 

New Era-: 

This new era will begin through NASA's ARTMIS progrqm   and when this era foundation will be lain we all are witnesses to this era begins. 

1968-1972 NASA did a great 9 moon  missions from which 6 missions are successful NASA send their astronauts . 
During this mission NASA send there total 12 Astronaut including Neil Armstrong  in the surface of the moon . 


The last moon mission by the NASA is Apollo17 which is created in the year 1972. But after that any country didn't ever try a man mission in to the moon. 

Today after 50 years history about to repeat itself again. 

Aim Of NASA ARTMIS program-

The aim of NASA ARTMIS program till year 2023 send first woman and man in the surface of the moon. 
And form a ARTMIS base till 2028 for research on the moon. For making ARTMIS base scientist choose a big dig named Shackleton crator which is 12miles width and 2 miles depth. 
Inside the moon treasure of gold platinum and other rare earth metals are present. 
Scientists  thought that in depth of SHACKLETON CRATOR water is present in the form of ice and it van become a big resource of fuel. 

NASA says there is 600 M to 1B metric ton Lunar Ice is present which is a big treasure for future man mission. And if we hydrate this water successfully. It can help for Mangal missions and this became a fuel station for Mngal mission. 

ARTMIS program has 4 major components- 

1) SLR-: 

It is a rocket which is most powerful rocket which launch spacecraft out of the earth. 

2) ORION-:

Spacecraft which carry astronauts to the moon. 


It is a small space station which spin around the moonmoon. 

4) HUMAN LANDING system -:

With the help of human landing system astronauts land to the surface of moon